Sunday, December 20, 2009

Deck the Halls Igloo Contest

The annual Christmas Igloo Contest is back!

This year it's called the "Deck the Halls Igloo Contest"

You can participate from December 18th to December 20th.

It's using the same method it used in Halloween (2009), when you are ready, press the submit igloo button on your screen and it will be in the contest! Club Penguin asks you not to change your igloo once you've pressed the button, so they can have time to check it out!

The winners will be announced in the Club Penguin Times December 24th and 31st!

The 20 grand prize winners will recieve:

1. 25,000 coins
2. They will have their igloos published in the Club Penguin Times
3. A special postcard from the judges

The 20 runner-up winners will recieve:

1. 15,000 coins
2. Their names published in the Club Penguin Times
3. A special postcard from the judges

Be sure to enter and lots of luck to everyone!

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