Friday, March 5, 2010


Magno20 is a very special penguin, he is my friend in CP, he is the very first Penguin of the Week of this site, he always coments and visits this blog and has a site of his own which is:

His site is great! It has awesome CP updates and cheats! If you see him around CP add him, cause he's a really good friend! He's invited me to 2 of his parties which have been awesome too!

Please visit his website! It's great! (also on the blogroll)


  1. Congradulations Magno20!

  2. thnx everyone yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. yaay! u finally went on my site!! Is the delplayer problem solved??


Welcome, please feel free to coment here!
But please do NOT do the following things:
1. Be rude
2. Say mean things
3. Give out personal information
4. Make other people feel bad

Thanks! If you have a club penguin related website, feel free to advertise!