I have already created my new CP blog! The link is:
Please spread the word and follow my new blog! It would also be nice if you added my new site to your blogrolls, thanks!
From now on, all news and cheats and everything else will be posted on that blog, this is the last post here.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The end... and a new begining!
I am very sorry to say... this is the end of this site. Why? Because I have been hacked and now I can't get onto this site without it redirecting and taking me to delplayer.net or ChinaTV.com...
I think this site has a virus or something, cause I can't even be on it for 5 seconds and then something weird happens like an alarm goes off yelling I have a virus on my computer or I go to a strange link... and it only happens on this site, so I guess I have been hacked.
Goodbye, www.clubpenguin-podlepops.blogspot.com
On a slightly happier note, I am NOT quitting blogging and I am definatedly NOT quitting CP. I'm just changing sites! My new site will be open soon, the link I will give to you as soon as my site has been created.
I think this site has a virus or something, cause I can't even be on it for 5 seconds and then something weird happens like an alarm goes off yelling I have a virus on my computer or I go to a strange link... and it only happens on this site, so I guess I have been hacked.
Goodbye, www.clubpenguin-podlepops.blogspot.com
On a slightly happier note, I am NOT quitting blogging and I am definatedly NOT quitting CP. I'm just changing sites! My new site will be open soon, the link I will give to you as soon as my site has been created.
Contest Winners!

The contest has come to an end and the winners have been fairly decided by a friend (not from CP or any of the ppl taking place in the contest) and we have....
First Place goes to...
SLIDOO!! Congratulations Slidoo, you are the ultimate winner of this contest!
Second place goes to...
MAGNO20!! Congratulations Magno20, you are the second place winner of this contest!
Third place goes to...
LOPAKOY!! Congratulations Lopakoy, you are the third place winner of this contest!
Please note the winners were fairly decided by a friend, so they are fair and square.
Congratulations to everyone who entered the contest! All the banners were awesome!
Now, for the prices:
First place:
1. Be my buddy in CP!
2. Your banner gets posted on the side bar!
3. Special post on winning penguin!
4. I'll advertise your site for a week!
Second place:
1. Get a cool CP postcard (as Magno20 is already my buddy in CP)
2. I'll advertise your website for 3 days!
2. I'll advertise your website for 3 days!
3. Player card posted!
Third place:
1. Be my buddy in CP!
2. I'll advertise your website for 1 day!
Well, thanks everyone for entering Camp Club Penguin's first contest ever! All the banners rocked!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Last Chance for Banners!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Yellow Puffle at Mine!

Magno20 is a very special penguin, he is my friend in CP, he is the very first Penguin of the Week of this site, he always coments and visits this blog and has a site of his own which is:
His site is great! It has awesome CP updates and cheats! If you see him around CP add him, cause he's a really good friend! He's invited me to 2 of his parties which have been awesome too!
Please visit his website! It's great! (also on the blogroll)
Penguin of the Week!!

OK, after such a long wait, it's here, finally here: Camp Club Penguin's first Penguin of the Week!
And the awesome first ever Penguin of the Week is... is... MAGNO20!!!
Congratulation Magno20! You are the first ever Penguin of the Week for comenting so much on this site and visiting it regularly! You follow this blog, coment on it, you entered the contest (although I know lots of ppl did too), and more! So for 2 whole days, I'll advertise your site as much as I can, and I am going to make you a special post right now!
Rockhopper Items!

The newspaper came out yesterday, but I didn't have time to post about it, so here it is:
First of all, Rockhopper is now in CP! But, his first mate Yarr is missing!! We need to find him LOL! Second, Club Penguin Play Awards coming soon! Thid, caves underground will reopen soon! Bad thing is, puffles have been sneaking in and this is not good...
So... coming soon:
Friday 5th of March: Penguin Style Catlog
Friday March 12th: Igloo Upgrades Catalog!
Friday March 19th: Club Penguin Play Awards!
Waddle on!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Goodbye Toys

Toysgoneby is quitting his blog and Club Penguin forever!!
He says he's quitting for personal reasons and says April will be his last month in CP. Do NOT beg him to stay in CP, because if you do, he will quit on March 19th instead of quitting in April. Also if you beg him to stay, he will not do a goodbye party!!
He has made a rememberance banner for himself, which I will post on the side bar, in the bottom next to his site banner to remember him forever. I am very sad to hear these news, but I respect his decision (although I don't think it's a good decission) and this message is to toys:
Toys, I don't know why you are quitting but as it's for personal reasons, I will not ask more questions. I am very sad to hear these news and I think you are wrong. I never thought you were making up being grounded as an excuse, I believed you because you are my friend. You have been one of my best friends in CP ever since we met there in someone's igloo. I have followed and comented on your blog ever since it started and I am truly sorry you have to leave. I will be there when you throw your goodbye party, and I will never forget you. Thanks for everything Toys. I will miss you.
More banners!

We have even MORE banner entries for the contest!! Here is Whizzbobrox's banner! I have heard from some of you that you want the contest to end sooner, so I've changed the date. I had originally thought of ending the contest on March 12th so more ppl had the chance to enter, but it seems as we have tons of entries (7 actually which is way more than I expected to get LOL) so, the contest will end this Sunday 7th of March! Remember, the contest ends on Sunday, so if you want to enter, hurry!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Queen Binawa's banner:
Lopakoy's banner:

Pengwing4's banner:
Lemon2608's banner:

Pengwing4's banner:

Magno20's banner:

Slidoo's banner:

Slidoo's banner:

OK, so in the post below, I posted you had until February 12th to enter, but I now realize my mistake thanks to coments from Lopakoy and Magno20. So you have until 12h of MARCH to enter not February, that was a mistake.
So the contest ends March 12th! Also it doesn't matter if you don't use purple, blue and orange, I have changed my mind: use any colors you want!
I've seen some banners from u ppl already and they're all great! Here are some banners from Slidoo, Magno20, Lopakoy, Lemon2608, Queen Binawa and Pengwing4. Aren't they awesome? I haven't decided yet who is going to win, cause we are still on the second day of the contest, so many more ppl may want to enter (i hope), anyway it's gonna be a really hard choice to make so I'm going to ask my sister to help me decide so it will be completely fair.
Good luck everyone!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's here! It's here! Camp Club Penguin's first ever contest!! Now I know I told you the contest would start on Saturday, but I just couldn't wait! Also please note from now on I can post contests whenever I feel like it or I get some cool idea, so keep checking back to see if more contests start!
The contest:
You must create a fan banner for this site, using:
Colors: blue, purple, orange.
Picture: if you're my buddy in CP you can use my player card as a picture for the banner, or if you're not my buddy, use the picture above.
Size: any size you want, for the shape, a square would be best, but it can be rectangles too.
Writing: You must have the name "Camp Club Penguin" on the banner, and if you want to, write in the website (www.clubpenguin-podlepops.blogspot.com).
I think that's everything you need to know! I will pick 3 winning banners. I'm looking for originality, lots of color, nice dessigns and I'll be looking at how much effort you've put into it!
The winning banner will get:
1. I'll post the banner, and put it up in the side banner.
2. I'll be your buddy in CP.
3. I'll make a special post with your CP player card for the penguin who dessigned the banner.
4. The penguin who dessigned the banner will get to be my first ever mod!
5. I'll advertise you website (if u have one) for a week in other ppl's sites and recomend it.
The second place banner will get:
1. I'll show the banner in a post.
2. I'll be your buddy in CP.
3. I'll advertise your website for 2 days.
The third place banner will get:
1. I'll show it in a post.
2. I'll be your buddy in CP.
If you are already my buddy in CP and you win the contest in either first, second or third place, I'll send you a cool postcard in CP and advertise your website for one more day as your prizes instead of being my buddy. For example, if you win first place, I'll advertise your website for 8 days, if you win second place I'll advertise your website for 3 days and if you win third place I'll advertise your website 1 day, and I'll send you a CP postcard, but this is ONLY if you are already my buddy in CP.
When you have finished your banner, post it in your website with "Podlepop's banner contest" as a title or post a coment with a link to the banner or e-mail it to me at: podlepops97@gmail.com . It's also very important you post a coment in this site telling me when you have posted or
e-mailed me incase I don't notice. Thanks!
You have until February 12th to enter! 10 days to make a banner! Hurry!
So... please tell your friends about this contest, as I would like lots of ppl to participate, because it's my first contest after all. Good luck everyone! I'm looking foward to seeing your banners!
Monday, March 1, 2010
What's Coming Up in March!

Hello Penguins!
March has arrived, and that means lots of exciting new events are coming up fast!
Starting this week we begin the countdown to the Penguin Play Awards. For those who didn't make it last year, it's a huge event where everyone votes for their favorite Stage plays from 2009. Check out this sneak peek of the Plaza...
It'll kick off March 19 - How do you think you and your friends will get ready for the red carpet?
In other news, Rockhopper's been spotted in the telescope at the Beacon, so that means he'll be on the island soon. And later this month you can keep your eye out for a big surprise - a brand new game! I can't say much about it, just that you'll need to be quick... and ready to come to the rescue...
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
March has arrived, and that means lots of exciting new events are coming up fast!
Starting this week we begin the countdown to the Penguin Play Awards. For those who didn't make it last year, it's a huge event where everyone votes for their favorite Stage plays from 2009. Check out this sneak peek of the Plaza...
It'll kick off March 19 - How do you think you and your friends will get ready for the red carpet?
In other news, Rockhopper's been spotted in the telescope at the Beacon, so that means he'll be on the island soon. And later this month you can keep your eye out for a big surprise - a brand new game! I can't say much about it, just that you'll need to be quick... and ready to come to the rescue...
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
This is a post by billybob in the Comuntity Blog! It looks soooo cool!! I remember last year when we had the CP play awards and the Quest of the Golden Puffle won!
Queen Binawa's Story Contest!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
New Snow and Sports Catalog!

The new snow and sports catalog is out! It's got a few cheats and loads of cool items. It's like multi-sports based. It has baseball, tenis, rockclimbing, swimming and you can buy sports furniture for your iggy! It's really cool!
First page: click on the yellow penguin in the background for a green baseball cap and uniform.
Fourth Page: click on the pitcher's mound to get a red baseball cap.
That's it I think! Enjoy!
New Music!

OK I know I'm a bit late posting this, but I've been busy with a silly penguin in Chimpbrad's site who's been trying to impersonate me, anyway, today I'm posting more stuff (like the mission thing in the previous post) and one of them is, new music.
The new songs are: Bamboo Forest, Flipper Jig, Bonus Level and Jungle Quest.
My favourite ones are Flipper Jig and Bonus Level!!
The pics above are of the music list (the squares in red are the new songs) and of me dancing o bonus level! LOL!
Mission Update!!

OK, Billybob posted a very interesting post yesterday:
Hey Agents!
You've been asking and we promised you some more info about the new mission! In a couple months, you'll be using your Penguin Secret Agency skills again to try and stop a very determined Herbert...
You've been asking and we promised you some more info about the new mission! In a couple months, you'll be using your Penguin Secret Agency skills again to try and stop a very determined Herbert...
What do you think he's planning this time? Look for more mission news in a few weeks.
In the meantime, you can practice your agent skills by doing the previous missions - and continue to keep the island safe. If you're not an agent yet, if your penguin is 30 days old, you can click the M at the top right of your screen. Then click the button that says: "Become a Secret Agent". You'll get to take a quiz to apply.
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
In the meantime, you can practice your agent skills by doing the previous missions - and continue to keep the island safe. If you're not an agent yet, if your penguin is 30 days old, you can click the M at the top right of your screen. Then click the button that says: "Become a Secret Agent". You'll get to take a quiz to apply.
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Whoa, that looks sooo cool!! I can't wait 'till they get it out! I'm an agent, but i have completed all the missions so I have nothing to do! What do you think he's planning?? Coment with ur ideas! It looks like he's got a computer and a... microphone?
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