Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who's Oldie?

Recently in Mimo's site someone called "Old CPG Mod" has been leaving tons of coments helping other pengins and some of us are staring to get annoyed, because he won't tell us who he is! So Slidoo has started a new website to discover who oldie is:

We have been doing lots of research and reading through millions and millions of Old CPG Mod coments to try and figure out who that oldie is! So, go to that site and if you have any idea of who it might be tell us! Or if you have any clues, details or ANYTHING you know about him, coment there and we might be able to figure out who he is with your help!

Also this is a personal note to Old CPG Mod: please tell us who you are, we are getting really intrigued and would really appreciate it if you told us, if this is some joke or something, stop it, it's not funny.



  1. Yup, definetly, i started this as a joke Xp (Note: sarcasm in the previous statement :p) no, This is not a joke. I have not lied about anything I've said in any comments.... Glad to see you guys are intrigued though.

    ~Old CPG Mod~

  2. Podlepops is the comment a both the 1 ur talking about coz i am really confused.

  3. he's doing nothing wrong, he's a good friendly penguin who helps others tons in mimo's site, its just we are really intrigued (as old cpg mod says in the coment above) and we have no idea who he is! We just want to know and he won't tell us...


Welcome, please feel free to coment here!
But please do NOT do the following things:
1. Be rude
2. Say mean things
3. Give out personal information
4. Make other people feel bad

Thanks! If you have a club penguin related website, feel free to advertise!